This piece was an exploration into making a nonsense piece. I started playing with the juxtaposition of a childish toy with an adult subject matter of organs. At first this piece looks like a normal toy, but with a closer examination it becomes a weird anatomy project. I discovered a playfulness with a disturbing quality.
I started by creating and referencing, a cast aluminum sketchbook that I created. I then used these “aluminum sketches” to create various prints with different color variations. In my final drawing, I reference the prints all well as the aluminum sketchbook. I am very interested in how the history of a material can create meaning. I reverse the roles and create 2-dimensional objects in forms of sketches on a 3-dimensional sculpture however the sculpture produces a 2-dimensional print and final drawing. The actual drawing is considered “final” however is initial identity (the aluminum sketchbook) is metal, something that can last forever. I treat identity as a journey and as being defined by and affected by the amalgamation of experiences something undergoes upon a specific journey.